Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm back! And healthy! Kind of...

Hello hello loyal followers.... sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I got really sick. Like, bed-ridden for many many weeks kind of sick.

But I'm all better now! Yay! I actually feel great!

Being stuck in bed for so long made me feel really weak and slothful, so when I got healthy again, I started hitting the gym, so I could feel active. I really enjoy it! I like feeling and being active.

There is just one.. snag..... I like to go to the gym early in the morning and that's also when all the very old men decide to go... I don't know if its universal or if its just my gym but uh... these guys seem to like being naked. Imean really like it. Like constantly. In the changeroom, I change my clothes. I don't strip then dither around for several minutes... it's terrifying.


  1. That sucks,I'm getting kinda sick myself. ><
    Horrible headache and been coughing my lungs out for days now.

    Glad you're feeling better though! :D

  2. Lol eww that's one hell of a situation, huh? XD

  3. Going to the gym is the best thing ever... except for those people...

  4. That pic at the bottom confused the hell out of me.

  5. Haha thats creepy, old naked people.....ugh

  6. Nothing makes you appreciate daily living like being stuck in a bed, good for you!

  7. ahahha thats a funny comic! good job!

  8. Could be worse, you could be in a woman's change room.

  9. man...I guess I am one of those old guys. JK! I hate the whole naked and wanting to hang out and talk. Ugh. Makes me choke on my bagel!

  10. Show those other men whose boss! Walk around naked... all the time!

  11. I guess you stop caring about other's opinions and views on you as you get older, and start tor realize those things don't matter much after all. :S

  12. Seems like an extra torment besides the training if you ask me!

  13. haha i like your paint comics :)

  14. glad you are feeling better, I guess those old creeps are trying to get your attention.

  15. hehe, old people make me laugh

  16. Glad to hear the you are feeling better. :)

  17. It's the same in every gym I think. At mine they strip and just chill too.

  18. Ahh don't worry about it! keep up the great blogging!

  19. this stuff is just plain creepy! I love it though! haha

  20. everybody has that with old men xD
