Monday, January 17, 2011

Assassin's Creed auto-win

I love the Assassin's Creed games. I finished AC2 a little while ago. I won't spoil anything, but I did notice that there's basically an instant win in the game. Nobody but your character can swim. In a game based on stealth and escape, and in a game that takes place largely in Venice, being the only non-hydrophobe is pretty handy. Murder anyone you want, dive into the nearest canal, whistle a happy tune and go scott free. Anyone else notice this?


  1. I've never tried that!

  2. Oh wow! The whole time I played that, I never realized the guards couldn't swim.

  3. Well there's obviously no Mexicans in assassins creed if you're the only one who can swim. Following you

  4. I kinda knew that, but I guess I never thought of it like that. That would make things a lot easier... Have you played Brotherhood? The crossbow is amazing, same with calling in assassins.

  5. Swimming's so much slower than the sprint function, though! I must try this.

    Keep up the good work, sir!

    I'm over at, if you're interested.

  6. never even thought of that.

    now I have to go replay AC2

  7. I found it out on the first ten minutes in venice and it made the game even easier
    But you are invincible anyways in any AC game.
    If you block all the time and counter-attack the guards have no chance.
    In Ac2 they've added a little challenge with the big guards but if you disarm them they are easy to kill too.

  8. I really want to try the brotherhood one!!
